Tomochika Dannoura
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Tomochika Dannoura

壇ノ浦 知千佳(だんのうら ともちか), Tomochika Dannoura, 坛之浦知千佳
Gender: Female
Original Name: 壇ノ浦 知千佳(だんのうら ともちか)


A girl who, like Yagiri, did not receive the "Gift." She is a second-year high school student, 17 years old. She is a practitioner of "Dannoura-style Archery," a traditional martial art passed down through her family, and her skills in archery and overall combat abilities are at a master level. Although not as much as Yagiri, she also plays an active role in combat. Additionally, her physical abilities and her senses of sight and hearing are exceptionally high, and she is usually the first to notice any anomalies that occur in the story. She has judgment standards close to that of an ordinary person and serves as the straight man in the series. She has large breasts, which Yagiri sometimes mentions inadvertently, but she is conscious of them.
In the "Aftermath Arc," her ability to sense murderous intent has improved, possibly due to her actions with Yagiri in another world.

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(Last edited time: April 17, 2024, 4:57 p.m.)

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