Adonis Kuestion
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Adonis Kuestion

クエスティオン=アドニス, Adonis Kuestion, 奎斯提恩-阿多尼斯
Gender: Male
Original Name: クエスティオン=アドニス


Bears the mark of the Skeptic. A young man from the Moon Pupil tribe. Silver hair and a red bandana are his trademarks. Known as the Sword Thief because he uses the swords of the dead instead of carrying his own. The truth is that he was born with a traveler's curse, which causes anything he touches to decay if his resonance with it is strong, hence he cannot carry his own sword. Normally, swordsmen channel their resonance into their marks to wield their swords, but Adonis does not do this and uses swords as expendable items. He also uses a beast flower called Bamboo as his familiar. This beast's body houses a different dimension where he sets up his dwelling and stores his swords. He was a castle swordsman but joined the Famine Alliance after a certain incident and met Doranvi. There, he acquires his own sword for the first time.
The sword's name is Rusty Claw (Rustineel). The mark is NOWHERE. It is a sword that continues to die even after death, and if its blade is broken, the broken part repairs itself. It is shaped like a rapier, the "Bending Sword," but the blade is unusually frayed.

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