Geese Nukadia
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Geese Nukadia

ギース・ヌーカディア, Geese Nukadia, 基斯·奴卡迪亚
Original Name: ギース・ヌーカディア


A thief from the monkey-like demon tribe "Nuka Tribe," the last survivor of his tribe. He loves gambling and has several unique "jinxes."
He behaves casually with a nonchalant attitude, but according to Elinarize, he acts mature in front of Rudeus, and it's not uncommon for him to throw a tantrum when negotiations fail.
He claims to be able to do anything and performs various adventurer's chores such as gathering information, disarming traps, cooking while camping, escaping from prison, negotiating with merchants, and selecting and skinning materials at a high level. However, he cannot use swords or magic, and has no combat ability. After the dissolution of the Black Wolf Fangs, he couldn't adventure alone and couldn't join other parties, so he almost retired from adventuring and lived as a gambler.
Due to the dissolution of the party and retiring from adventuring, it wouldn't be surprising if Paulo hated him the most, but he is the only member who doesn't speak ill of Paulo, so his feelings are unclear.
During the Fittoa region teleportation incident, he searched for Paulo's missing family, asking various tribes in the Great Forest to send any survivors they found to the search party. Hearing that a human child was captured in the Doldia tribe's village, he arranged to be put in the same cell to find Rudeus. He accompanied Rudeus and his group until they parted ways in the Holy Country of Milis, but knowing about the quarrel between Paulo and Rudeus, he advised Paulo and helped the two reconcile.

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(Last edited time: June 24, 2024, 12:18 a.m.)

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