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皇帝 / 僥陽(ギョウヨウ), Koutei, 皇帝
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Original Name: 皇帝 / 僥陽(ギョウヨウ)


A distinguished man with a fine beard, and the older brother of Jinshi. 34 years old.
Although Maomao thinks of him as a lecherous old man because he prefers women with ample bosoms, he surprisingly only took Ada as his consort during his crown prince era, showing a different side. In reality, he is a compassionate person who has kept consorts who would otherwise have nowhere to go after being dismissed from the harem, and has taken care of Ada, who was demoted from a senior consort, at a separate palace. Officially, he also cares for Riishu, his wife, as if she were his daughter, partly because her mother is his childhood friend.
He wishes to pass the throne to Jinshi, who is already an adult, rather than the still infant crown prince.

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(Last edited time: April 19, 2024, 6:41 p.m.)

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