Misato Kuroi
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Misato Kuroi

黒井 美里(くろい みさと), Misato Kuroi, 黑井美里
Original Name: 黒井 美里(くろい みさと)


A woman who takes care of Riko Tenuchi, the Stellar Plasma Body. She has been taking care of Riko since she lost her parents when she was young, and they have a familial relationship. Misato Kuroi also cares deeply for Riko. She comes from a family that has served the Stellar Plasma Bodies for generations, and although she once rejected this path to pursue a normal life, she was drawn back by Riko. In the end, she tearfully watches Riko merge with Tengen, but later dies after being attacked by Touji Fushiguro.

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(Last edited time: June 18, 2024, 12:10 p.m.)

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