Taiyo Asano
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Taiyo Asano

朝野 太陽(あさの たいよう), Taiyo Asano, 朝野太阳
Gender: Male
Height: 170cm
Original Name: 朝野 太陽(あさの たいよう)
Resources: Official Website


The protagonist of this work. A gold-class spy (as of age 22). Born on September 15th. Enrolled in class 2-C as a 16-year-old high school sophomore. Height is 170 cm. Blood type A. Has a cowlick and a scar over his left eye from an accident.
He lost his parents and younger brother in a traffic accident during his childhood, and due to the trauma from his past, he became unable to speak with anyone other than Mutsumi. However, after being noticed by Mutsumi's brother, Kyoichiro, he went through a marriage of convenience with Mutsumi and became a member of the Yozakura family.
Since then, he has been living in a guest room of the Yozakura family, and through interactions with the family, he gradually develops his skills as a spy, achieving personal growth such as being able to converse with others and awakening to his abilities as a spy, eventually reaching a state of "blooming" and "flourishing."
In episode 34, he becomes a bronze-class spy, and in episode 46, he is critically injured by Momiji but is revived in episode 47 after receiving blood from Mutsumi. He also gains remarkable dynamic vision and physical abilities.
During special training with Ban in episode 64, he awakens to "Blooming" "Hardening." In the decisive battle with Kawashimo, he struggles with "Blooming" "Regeneration" but ultimately succeeds in restraining him with the help of the Yozakura family. However, he becomes tormented after learning that Kawashimo had been in contact with Tsubomi, and in episode 89, he learns from Tsubomi's conscience in a dream that Kawashimo knows how to defeat Tsubomi and that a silver spy license is required to interrogate him, leading him to decide to take the silver spy promotion exam.
In the silver spy promotion exam, he faces Shinzo, Futaba, and Kyoichiro as an examinee and becomes a silver spy. Furthermore, during the final exam, he inadvertently absorbs Tsubomi's blood during the battle with Kawashimo, awakening to "Flourishing."
His attacks become effective against Yozakura Momiji due to "Blooming."
By episode 170, five years have passed, and he is now 22 years old, having had a child with Mutsumi. At this point, he has become a gold-class spy.

(View count: 134)

(Last edited time: April 5, 2024, 8:50 p.m.)

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