Sakai Tsukuyogi
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Sakai Tsukuyogi

木兎夜枝境(つくよぎ さかい), Sakai Tsukuyogi, 木兔夜枝境
Gender: Male
Original Name: 木兎夜枝境(つくよぎ さかい)


Director of Public Relations at Utopia Corporation. He has an old acquaintance with Tsukuyo Tsukuri and Ritsu Amachi, who created Shanfro, and is the only person in the company who can mediate between them. Unlike the other two, he is a sensible person and suffers from stomach ulcers due to stress. Additionally, the owner of the game store "Rock Roll," where Rakurou and Rei are regulars, is Mana Iwamaki, his wife who he had a grand romantic marriage with. Her real name is Sakai Iwamaki, but she uses her maiden name as her business name.

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(Last edited time: July 6, 2024, 2 a.m.)

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