Nowa Sugaya
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Nowa Sugaya

菅谷 乃羽(すがや のわ), Nowa Sugaya, 菅谷乃羽
Gender: Female
Original Name: 菅谷 乃羽(すがや のわ)


A female classmate of Marin Kitagawa. She is often seen with Marin and is one of her friends who likes karaoke. She has black hair with red inner two-tone colors styled in twin tails and is often seen sucking on candy. Recently, she confronted Wakana Gojo, who has started hanging out with Marin, during karaoke, asking if they were dating. When Wakana hurriedly denied it, she muttered, "You guys should just date." There are scenes where she intently watches Wakana when she is with Marin.

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(Last edited time: June 9, 2024, 5:34 a.m.)

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