Wakana Gojo
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Wakana Gojo

五条 新菜(ごじょう わかな), Wakana Gojo, 五条新菜
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Height: 180cm
Original Name: 五条 新菜(ごじょう わかな)


The protagonist of this work is a male high school student born on March 21. He is the young master of the "Gojo Doll Shop," a traditional doll shop in Iwatsuki. He is a member of class 1-5 and has a large build, standing over 185 cm tall. Despite his imposing physique, he has extremely low self-esteem, is introverted, and struggles with self-assertion. An only child, he lost his parents early and lives with his grandfather, a craftsman of Hina dolls, handling all household chores. His dream is to become a "Kashirashi," a craftsman who makes the heads of Hina dolls, like his grandfather.
He is so earnest that others often point it out, and even with classmates, he addresses girls with their last name followed by "san" and speaks formally. However, his overly serious nature sometimes leads him to overextend himself, even when he is suffering. His hobbies and practice include making Hina dolls and their costumes from a young age. As a result, he is skilled in sewing, and since he started making cosplay costumes for Marin, he has also learned to do makeup. He has a bitter memory of a childhood friend who rejected his hobby of Hina dolls and cut ties with him, which led him to hide his interests and feelings. Until he met Marin, he had no one he could call a friend. The word "beautiful" became special to him, reserved for moments of genuine feeling, after being deeply moved the first time he saw a Hina doll.
A breakdown of an old sewing machine at his home and workshop led him to secretly borrow a sewing machine from the school's home economics room after school to make a Hina doll costume. There, he encountered Marin, who was also using the room to make a cosplay costume because she didn't have a sewing machine at home. Marin praised the Hina doll head he was holding, which was the first time someone had praised something he liked. This led him to become involved in the worlds of manga, anime, games, and cosplay, which he had never touched before, as Marin pleaded for his help in making costumes.
He takes the creation of cosplay costumes very seriously, not only watching the original works in detail but also creating very precise three-view drawings and selecting fabrics that match the character and the world of the work. Normally, he is very shy around women, including Marin, but when he focuses as a craftsman, he becomes unaware of physical contact, which sometimes confuses Marin.
He respects Marin for her clear self-assertion, which contrasts with his own personality. However, he is quite naive about romance and is completely unaware that Marin has feelings for him. When asked if he is dating Marin, he vehemently denies it due to his low self-esteem. However, he has shown that he cares deeply for her, such as instinctively protecting her when a misunderstanding led her to be approached by a man, and skipping classes to take care of her when she caught a cold.
He is not interested in horror works and is unsure if he has a tolerance for them, but when he watched one with Marin, he was more interested in the special makeup and costumes than the horror elements. On the other hand, he has low tolerance for cruel and inhumane psychological depictions in works, which can deeply affect him emotionally.
He is indifferent to fashion, owning only work clothes and plain T-shirts (short-sleeved in summer, long-sleeved in winter), and his usual outfit for going out consists of work clothes and bare feet with geta (black tabi in winter). Even when he went shopping with Marin, he ended up buying a jinbei instead of Western clothes and was satisfied. At Marin's suggestion, he bought Western clothes for winter Comiket, but he was nervous wearing unfamiliar clothes, and his expression was tense throughout, in stark contrast to Marin's smiling face.

(View count: 6)

(Last edited time: June 9, 2024, 3:41 a.m.)

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