

一葉(いちよう), 一叶
Gender: Male
Featured Anime: Haigakura

Character Introduction

The protagonist of this work. Nineteen years old. Wears a red cloth around his neck. Holds a position called "Uta Officer," tasked with "bringing back gods exiled from their own country to other lands," but has never succeeded. Consequently, he is always penniless, but his close friend Rakan often pays for him. Also, as he cannot swim, he relies on Tenkō to pull him through water to return to the country. Besides his inability to swim, he is also tone-deaf to an absurd degree. However, due to the effect of incense burned by Rashun, there is a possibility that he might not be a "songless singer" after all.
Among fellow Uta Officers, he is known as "the most incompetent poet in history," and since becoming an Uta Officer, he has yet to bring back any earth spirits. He also has two mid-level gods in his charge, but looks after them himself without relying on trainers. Yet, he cannot get them to obey, further highlighting Ichiyō’s incompetence.
He is not particularly passionate about his work and often neglects writing reports by claiming, "There's nothing to write as things aren't going well," and makes sarcastic comments towards Hakushurin. Despite being the disciple of the legendary Uta Officer, Ransaiwa, he never attended an academy. Because Ransaiwa was known for never taking on disciples, those around them believe Ichiyō curries favor with Ransaiwa.
He is said to be distinct from ordinary Uta Officers due to his ability to handle Tenkō and Kakuka, though the details are not yet explained. He has small wings on his neck, possesses the power to melt Tenkō's seal with heat, and despite being human, can control flames, displaying extraordinary abilities.

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(Last edited time: Sept. 10, 2024, 7:13 p.m.)

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