Kousuke Endou
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Kousuke Endou

遠藤 浩介(えんどう こうすけ), Kousuke Endou, 远藤浩介
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Original Name: 遠藤 浩介(えんどう こうすけ)


Occupation: Assassin
A boy with a very faint presence, part of the Nagayama party.
His presence is so faint that not only his family and classmates, but even monsters and automatic doors (which only open for him once out of three times) fail to notice him. However, when he becomes extremely depressed to the point of breaking down, his presence paradoxically increases. In the past, when he confessed his feelings to a girl he liked, she hadn't even realized they were at the same school and rejected him.
When attacked by the Majin tribe in the Great Orcus Labyrinth, he used his inherent stealth abilities to escape the labyrinth with the help of Meld and others, and was at the Holad Guild issuing a rescue request for Kouki and others when he coincidentally reunited with Hajime and sought his help.
He was particularly fond of Meld and had met him for the last time before Meld was killed by Noint. After the invasion of the royal capital, he was deeply hurt by Meld's death and secluded himself in his room for a while but later revived. In the web novel's after-story, he has significantly more appearances, often taking the lead role in the story.
Later, in the final battle, he was given the nickname "Kousuke E. Abyssgate" by Lana Haulia, and acquired a skill called "Lord of the Abyss (Abyssgate Lord)" that matched his nickname. In spin-offs, he often becomes the protagonist, utilizing his inconspicuousness in stealth operations. However, while the "Lord of the Abyss" skill is active, his speech and actions are forcibly changed to those of a chuunibyou, which some people around him find painfully embarrassing. Additionally, Endou persistently pursued Lana Haulia, and despite her giving him the absurd condition of conquering at least one great labyrinth and landing a blow on the boss (Hajime), he managed to conquer the Raisen Great Labyrinth in just one week and successfully landed a scratch on Hajime in their duel. Thanks to this, Endou and Lana officially started dating. This incident also made Hajime sympathize greatly with him, making them the closest classmates. In one of the spin-off stories, "From the Lord of the Abyss of the World," he gets involved in an incident with Emily Grant and Vanessa Paradis, and at the end of the story, as they part at the airport, his girlfriend Lana is interrupted by Hajime, and furthermore, "Endou, as the right-hand man of the Demon Lord, must have at least seven wives!" leading to both women becoming Endou's second and third wives.

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