Taeko Nagafuji
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Taeko Nagafuji

永藤 妙子(ながふじ たえこ), Taeko Nagafuji, 永藤妙子
Gender: Female
Original Name: 永藤 妙子(ながふじ たえこ)


A classmate and friend of Shimamura since high school. She wears glasses and is busty, the animal Shimamura imagines her as is a "cow".
She has been best friends with Hino since kindergarten and has been in the same class since elementary school. Her recent worry is the attention she gets because of her large breasts. She is involved in club activities, but it is unknown which club she belongs to. Although she is capable of studying, there are parts where she is lacking, and because her memory is not very good, she is often teased by Hino. Her elementary school report card stated, "Only her appearance is reliable," but she doesn't care about it at all. Her family runs a butcher shop, and although she sometimes helps out, she is mostly useless.

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(Last edited time: June 11, 2024, 11:51 a.m.)

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