Shiu Kong
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Shiu Kong

孔 時雨(コン シウ), Shiu Kong, 孔时雨
Original Name: 孔 時雨(コン シウ)


A South Korean man who is a mediator for the Pansei Sect. Former detective.
He has been acquainted with Touji Fushiguro since before Touji married into his wife's family, and has requested his services several times in the past, and is also aware of Megumi. However, he has decided to only deal with the "good-for-nothing" Touji for "business or hell."
In the Kaigyoku arc, he mediated between the Pansei Sect and Touji Fushiguro, put a bounty on Riko Tenuchi through a dark web anonymous bulletin board, and kidnapped her caretaker, Kuroi.
In the Tamamori arc, he accepted a request from Naoya and gathered the executives of the Pansei Sect.

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(Last edited time: June 18, 2024, 12:12 p.m.)

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