Moeko Sekine
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Moeko Sekine

関根 萌子(せきね もえこ), Moeko Sekine, 关根萌子
Gender: Female
Original Name: 関根 萌子(せきね もえこ)


A female student in the same class as Kyotaro, and a friend of Anna. She refers to herself as "Moeko." She's a gyaru, flashy in appearance and light in her behavior, and is treated by Kyotaro as a bit of a bimbo, but in reality, she boasts top academic performance in her grade. She is also considerate and cares about her friends, having a vague awareness of the relationship between Anna and Kyotaro, and shows concern for them. Influenced by her otaku brother, she is knowledgeable about anime and is familiar with "Re:Zero."

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(Last edited time: May 14, 2024, 8:30 p.m.)

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