Rengoku Senjurou
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Rengoku Senjurou

煉󠄁獄 千寿郎(れんごく せんじゅろう), Rengoku Senjurou, 炼狱千寿郎
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Original Name: 煉󠄁獄 千寿郎(れんごく せんじゅろう)


Senjurou's younger brother. He resembles his father and brother but has eyebrows shaped like the number eight. He is gentle and polite, but also somewhat timid and reserved.
Originally, he was supposed to succeed as the Flame Hashira, but lacking in swordsmanship talent, he gave up the path of a swordsman and decided to find his own way to be useful to others.
He gave Tanjirou the guard of his brother's Nichirin Sword after recounting his brother's last words and will. He continues to correspond with Tanjirou through letters.

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(Last edited time: June 24, 2024, 4:27 p.m.)

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