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グロウリィ, Growley, 葛罗乌利
Original Name: グロウリィ


The head of the Zoa family, holder of a special counterattack-type "Sin" Stargazer spirit. An elderly man in a wheelchair. Despite his inability to move his legs due to injuries from the imperial army, the resentment in his eyes has not faded.
At the same time, he expresses satisfaction with the current queen's abilities, while opposing the Luu family and sensing the conspiracies of the Hydra family, showing his general intelligence.
Trapped by the Hydra family, he faces an imperial attack but cannot go to the battlefield. However, he feels a joy akin to exhilaration when his sworn enemy comes to him, and he confronts Nameless.
The "Sin" Stargazer spirit he possesses activates when the enemy commits one of the seven deadly sins—preemptive strike, recidivism, weaponry, powerlessness, destruction, falsehood, betrayal—against the spellcaster Glory. This summons an incarnation of Stargazer energy, the "Incarnation Beast Avatar." Its essence is akin to a curse itself, eroding anything it touches. With this power, he incapacitates Nameless's left arm and right fist. The more the enemy commits these sins, the more it proliferates and grows in size, taking various forms like Cerberus, a lion, or a giant. Moreover, it does not accept any physical interference from the opponent, but can physically interfere from its side, boasting a monstrously unfair level of viciousness.
After overpowering Nameless with overwhelming force, he manages to restrain Vispose who had brought Sisbell, but is defeated by a surprise attack from Iriarte, who manifests her form and power as "Subject E" of the Divine Star Mutation. As a result, he is captured and handed over to the empire as a new subject for experimentation.

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(Last edited time: July 1, 2024, 2:34 a.m.)

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