Makoto Misumi
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Makoto Misumi

深澄 真(みすみ まこと), Makoto Misumi, 深澄真, マコト=クズノハ, クズノハ・ライドウ
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Original Name: 深澄 真(みすみ まこと)


The protagonist of this work. Before coming to another world, he was a 17-year-old high school sophomore and the vice-president of the archery club. He comes from a family of five, including his parents and his older sister and younger sister, where his parents were nobles and priests in the other world country called Keruneon. He was summoned to another world due to a contract his parents had made, but due to his appearance, he was exiled to another world with only minimal protection granted, although he had been supplemented with protection from Tsukuyomi no Mikoto beforehand. In the other world, to prevent distrust from humans, he is registered in the guild under the alias "Raidou" as the representative of Kuzunoha Trading Company. He is the owner of the mirage city and sub-space, and is referred to as "Young Master" by the residents, and as "Master" by some of the employees of the Kuzunoha Trading Company. After various experiences and research, he has achieved a level of power that not even all the races of another world nor the two heroes summoned by the goddess can match, but he has a detached view of pain and death, although he avoids speaking about them. He teaches combat techniques as a part-time instructor at the academy city, and his seven students have grown to be among the top 7 of the academy. Ultimately, he wishes to return to his original world after revenge against and eliminating the goddess who tormented him, but he also has a strong attachment to his friends living in sub-space.
Originally of otherworldly (human) descent and reasonably trained, Makoto now possesses superhuman strength in another world, freed from all burdens (according to Tomoe, his magical power alone is worth "several demon lords"), capable of using five attributes of magic except the wind, but has absolutely no aptitude for recovery magic, including receiving it himself. His guild adventurer level is 1, but as mentioned earlier, this is because his basic stats are too high, and initially he was destroying the targets when shooting with his favorite bow. His magical power is increasing through a concentration method called "diffusion and reconstruction of consciousness" during bow training. His magic capacity, which is originally governed by an upper limit, appears to be beyond the common sense bounds as they involve training such as diffusion and reconstruction of consciousness as Makoto does. From childhood, he inherited a weak body as a human from his parents, and always had the fear of death beside him, but having met a female magician in the world of Earth and reconnecting and reinforcing his magic attribute lines, he lost his aptitude for recovery and wind but found a way to strengthen his body.
Since coming to another world, Makoto, while not treated as human by humans, learned the common human language, made efforts to suppress magic power, and hid his face with a mask; although he encountered human malice, he tried to live peacefully but realized his lack of foresight when a human he had emergency evacuated to sub-space arrogantly stole a weapon scheduled for disposal and caused an explosive accident with Draupnir, causing damage to the people of sub-space and blatantly blaming him instead. Since then, he has been extremely business-like towards humans, except for those he directly interacts with and trusts. Generally, he leaves the decision to welcome residents to sub-space to Tomoe and others, but clearly expresses displeasure when accepting humans he has not interacted with, showing displeasure in his first meeting with sisters Carol and Keima welcomed by Tomoe's decision, who internally assessed Makoto's gaze as "having no interest in whoever he sees". Also, Tomoe criticizes him for intensely disliking changes occurring against his will, and he reacts hypersensitively to Lime becoming Tomoe's familiar and abandoning humanity.
Tsukuyomi no Mikoto has entrusted him with Hikaru and Tomoki, two heroes summoned to another world in his stead by the whim of a goddess, but his relationships with both are quite antagonistic. Hikaru, who was summoned to the Rimia Kingdom, was a senior at the same school in the original world and their conversation included reminiscing times, but his actions as part of Kuzunoha Trading Company potentially causing global chaos and his too cold stance towards humans after the goddess's elimination phase caused a split. However, both do not intend to clash seriously and maintain a certain distance. On the other hand, his relationship with Tomoki, summoned to the Gritonia Empire, is the worst. Already having a bad impression from Tomoe, Tomoki's initial high-handed, domineering behavior beyond unreason, enchanting women indiscriminately and treating them as mere transactional tools, and the highhanded demand to hand over Tomoe, whom he cherishes, nearly reached his breaking point and resulted in a severe clash. Tomoki, recovering from a level of trauma that reverts him back to a shut-in, refuses to have any more dealings with Tomoki as well as the Gritonia Empire itself after beating him entirely.
Since the explosive incident with Draupnir, as the story progresses, distortions in his psyche gradually begin to show, with not infrequent situations depicting his rationale slipping. Particularly, his attitude towards the overall consumption by humans who discriminated against him just after being summoned to another world ranges from cold to outright indifferent for those he is not closely involved with, merely watching as a third party in the wars between demons and humans. He trades indifferently with all races without discrimination if there's a shortage of resources, and should this worsen the war and lead to the destruction of both humans and demons, he feels "it’s only necessary to protect those in sub-space whom I'm involved with." Consequently, Hikaru, who knew his past and met him again as a hero, perceives that his spirit has drastically changed from the time in the original world, noting his excessive discriminatory attitude towards humans and sharing this concern with the upper dragon Rukuna, deeming him dangerous in a conversation in Rimia's royal capital, where Hikaru severely criticizes his view towards humans as being no different from those discriminating against demi-humans and monsters. Moreover, Chya's mind's eye ability sees inside him "a large, beautiful bow carried by a facially featureless, all-white entity harboring a deeply rotten something inside," and she earnestly pleads for these aspects not to surface.

(View count: 10)

(Last edited time: June 14, 2024, 2:26 p.m.)

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