Mio Misumi
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Mio Misumi

深澄 澪(みすみ みお), Mio Misumi, 深澄澪
Original Name: 深澄 澪(みすみ みお)


The true second servant, originally known as the "Calamity Black Spider," is a magical beast. It has the ability to erode space through predation and was feared for continuously devouring everything due to hunger until it became a true servant. Later, from the true memories preserved by Tomoe, it developed an interest in anime and special effects. It is a tactician who carves out strategies in coordination with Makoto, in contrast to the combative Tomoe. Its level in the Adventurer's Guild is 1,500.
When it followed an Elder Dwarf into the subspace, it felt pleasure from Makoto's painful strike and tasted ambrosia in Makoto's blood. Disgusted by this, Makoto incapacitated it, though Makoto also fainted. Shiki suggested, and a master-servant contract was formed with the unconscious Makoto without his consent. This contract caused the subspace to expand, creating black forests and rivers. In the past, it was repelled by Shiki, the Demon General duo, and the Hero Party, but it merely stopped eating once its hunger was somewhat satisfied and moved in a different direction, never truly defeated until Makoto. Four half-spider, half-human Arachnes are also among the initial participants of the Mirage City. It still enjoys eating, but has shifted from prioritizing quantity to quality. Cooking for Makoto has become its purpose in life, having learned Japanese cuisine from the hero Hibiki, though it is unaware that Hibiki is a hero and has no memory of being repelled, only remembering its hunger from before Makoto satisfied it.

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(Last edited time: June 14, 2024, 2:24 p.m.)

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