
フー(本名不明), 胡
Gender: Male
Voice Actor: Yukihiro Nozuyama
Featured Anime: Ragna Crimson

Character Introduction

The chief mage of the Silver Armored Unit, who possesses dragon-like features on his right arm. His name is an alias, and his real name is unknown. He speaks in a Kansai dialect. The magic circles used within the corps are primarily created by him. He often calls Majorca "ugly" and disciplines her for her selfish behavior with an iron fist. In reality, he is Majorca's brother, a fact he keeps secret from her.
Before the story begins, he was distributing a new type of drug in Reze and the surrounding countries. However, he was punished by Staria and forcibly enlisted into the Silver Armored Corps. Under her orders, he was made to create teleportation magic for a coup within the country, among other tasks.
According to Staria, he has a craftsman's temperament and is difficult to deal with. However, when Isaac ordered him to keep Ragna and the others' existence a secret, he demanded money, showing he is not entirely earnest. He is attached to the magic circles he creates, and when their performance was significantly improved with Crimson's help, he cried out of frustration.
Though not a soldier, he participates in combat using assassination and absorption magic. In the story, he encounters Urushgaurun, who infiltrated from the military training ground's water tank, while he was in a bad mood due to lack of sleep. He retaliates with assassination magic. Later, he is caught off guard by Crimson, who tries to steal his teleportation magic circle, but Majorca's teleportation magic prevents this.
After evacuating abroad, he entrusts Majorca and his subordinates to the Sun God Church and heads to the royal capital with the other members. At the beginning of the battle with Olto Zora, he provided support through magic absorption. When Olto Zora went berserk, he injected himself with drugs to fight back. He absorbed magic directly from Olto Zora but was counterattacked and lost his lower body. With support from Isaac and Christopher, he unleashed a powerful assassination magic with the absorbed magic and exhausted himself.

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(Last edited time: Aug. 18, 2024, 11:38 a.m.)

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