

ベルベット, 薇爾貝

Character Introduction

The guild master of 【thunder storm】. A lightning user. A female player with blonde hair tied in a bun at the back and red eyes. Her combat style involves wide-range lightning strikes, high-power melee attacks, and status ailment attacks, but according to Sally, who dueled her one-on-one, it resembles Maple's style. She speaks in a casual manner and has a straightforward personality, preferring to fight head-on, which leads her guild members to say she is "too honest." Her appearance, with a white blouse, long skirt, and parasol, is like that of a lady, and is equipment she received from a boss. She tries to act gracefully in this outfit, but her speech often reverts to her casual tone, and in battle, her true personality is fully revealed. This is secretly envied by Mii, who can't show her true self due to her own act. It seems she is also a lady in real life, but due to her straightforward personality, she chose NewWorld Online as a place to practice being graceful, as suggested by Hinata. She uses all her accessory slots for skill composition, so she cannot equip 【Bridge of Bonds】, and therefore, has no tamed monsters.

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(Last edited time: Aug. 24, 2024, 10:18 p.m.)

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