Aug. 30, 2024 (Current Version)

魔王 魔王
The king who leads the demon tribe. His real name is unknown. It is said that he gave magical power to the demon tribe long ago, but the truth is unclear as no one dares to ask. He refers to himself as "bokuchin" and describes himself as "forgetful." He often responds with "What?" when he doesn't understand Granbarza's difficult expressions, showing a lack of dignity in his speech, but he possesses the appropriate power as a Maou. While the Four Heavenly Kings undergo generational changes, he alone continues to serve as Maou without a generational change, leading Granbarza to speculate that he is immortal. He has a characteristic where his appearance changes based on the observer's power. In the story, Bashvaza sees him as a small boy (after mastering forbidden spells, he appeared as a grown young man), while Granbarza sees him as a gigantic monster reminiscent of a demon or dragon. During Bashvaza's execution, he was given the choice to "start over as a demon" or "fall into hell." However, Bashvaza chose hell, saying, "I don't need mercy since I engaged in forbidden acts." Therefore, for the reason "I thought of pleasing him by sending him to hell, but it became boring," he was expelled from the demon tribe (effectively dismissed), similar to Dariel.

(Edit Author: K K)