Aug. 11, 2024 (Current Version)

Tiona Hiryute
蒂奧娜·席呂特 ティオナ・ヒリュテ
Tiona's twin sister, a short-haired, black-haired Amazoness. Her status ranks up to Lv.6 after the expedition to the 59th floor. She has a cheerful personality and quickly becomes friends with anyone, but she is self-conscious about her slender figure and lack of a chest. She loves heroic tales and is knowledgeable about various stories. After witnessing Bell's fight with the one-horned Minotaur, she takes a liking to Bell, calling him "Argonaut-kun," and has joined Ais and Tiona in training Bell several times. In combat, she mainly serves as the party's vanguard. She prefers a bold fighting style using large weapons and possesses a skill that increases her attack power with each injury she sustains, as well as a rare skill that significantly boosts all her abilities when she is near death, making her strongest when cornered. In her homeland of Telskyura, she didn't want to fight to the death with Tione, so she straightforwardly asked their main god Kali to leave the country with her, and was surprisingly granted permission. After being taught how to fight by Bache, who also read heroic tales to her, she discovered the joy of stories and began to laugh more than ever before. Her alias is "Great Severer (Amazon)."

(Edit Author: K K)