Aug. 17, 2024 (Current Version)

Shogen Hirano
瘴奸 瘴奸(しょうかん)
The leader of the band of thieves known as the "Seigito" (征蟻党), a man dressed as a monk. He finds joy in robbery, killing parents, and selling children. He declares that Buddha does not exist. Skilled in the martial arts of the great armor and dual swords, he combines the ruthlessness of a bandit with the intelligence of a strategic general. Known as "Shinguchi Demon" in the game of cat and mouse during the Nanboku-chō period. Originally born into a samurai family, he left home because he was dissatisfied with becoming his brother's servant due to the policy of inheriting the family estate. Seeking a place to belong, he fell into the life of a villain. He participated in a major battle to make a name for himself, but after losing, he was advised by Masashige Kusunoki to escape and ended up in Shinano. In reality, he is Shogen Hirano, who was executed in historical records. He adopted his current alias after Masashige Kusunoki misread his name as "Shokan." He was ravaging border villages at the behest of Sadamune, targeting Suwa territory, when he clashed with the Toki yuki party led by strategist Fubuki. Lured into a confined space by Tokiyuki's strategy, he was hit by the "Gokishin Butto" technique and, while bleeding out, glimpsed a "Buddha" in Tokiyuki's continuous, smiling escape before collapsing. He was rescued by Sadamune and spared on the condition that he leave the bandit life and was given land. After reforming, he showed himself as a beloved land steward who cared for his villagers, although he internally regretted his past misdeeds. During the Nakasendai Rebellion, he tried to ambush the Suwa army from the mountains but had his route predicted by Tokiyuki and was trapped by the "Flame Pillar Plan," splitting him from his allies. Facing Tokiyuki and Fubuki, he revealed his true name and bravely engaged in a final battle, ultimately defeated by their secret technique, the "Twin Fang White Swords." As he lay dying, he felt satisfaction in Tokiyuki's growth as a samurai but remembered his promise to a village girl to return alive, passing away with lingering regret.

(Edit Author: A A)