June 15, 2024 (Current Version)

田右卫门 田右衛門(たうえもん)
Real name: Katsura Uemon no Jo Mizuki no Ason Takamori. A samurai who becomes an ally of Sakuna. He is the leader of the humans on Hinoe Island. He is characterized by his gentle face and his plump, fat body. He was scolded by his strict father for preferring farm work to fighting. He became unable to return home due to his desertion from the war, and fell into banditry, but he is still not good at fighting. He is generally mild-mannered, but he was genuinely furious with the despicable Ishimaru. He is quite knowledgeable and knows a lot of things, but he is clumsy and seems to have failed a lot in farming. The bandit leader gave him the nickname "Tauemon", which he liked and started to use. He is a big eater as he looks, and his appetite is increasing as the story progresses.

(Edit Author: K K)