Aug. 24, 2024 (Current Version)

Satoshi Mashiba
真柴智 真柴 智(ましば さとし)
He appears from the high school arc. A classmate of Shouya. He seems to have taken an interest in Shouya as an amusing person and eventually becomes part of Shouya's circle of friends due to a certain incident. His personality is generally calm, and he is always smiling, but he has a somewhat twisted side. Blood type O. He has a past of being bullied by classmates over his eyebrows. Because of this, he cannot silently overlook bullying even now, and he becomes cold-hearted when witnessing bullying scenes or bullies. He also treats Nagatsuka, who can be annoying, with a "smile" but harshly, and he coldly handles Kawai, who shows affection towards him, by seeing through her inner self. He visited Mizumon Elementary to obtain permission for filming a movie planned by Nagatsuka, but in anger at Takeuchi's insulting remarks about Shouya and Shouko, he splashed water on him. He once considered becoming a teacher to see how the children of those who bullied him would grow up. However, in the end, he realizes that being a teacher is not what he truly wants to do, and there are depictions of him searching for a different path.

(Edit Author: K K)