Aug. 15, 2024 (Current Version)

猶雉 ヨオズ
Red Quagoa. He was entrusted by the respected Riyuro with commanding the assault on the Dwarven fortress. Given the superior unit he commanded within the clan, his decision-making skills were highly refined. When Ainz and his group intervened during the battle with the Dwarves, he promptly decided to retreat, even standing on the front lines himself to block the pursuit, demonstrating his courage. Despite the unexpected retreat in what was anticipated to be a victorious battle, he reported to Riyuro, prepared for execution. However, Riyuro, recognizing the intervention of an unforeseen third party and the fact that even the clan's elite units were overwhelmed, decided to spare him. He then followed Riyuro to pay respects to the Frost Dragons, and afterwards, began the task of restructuring the clan's military strength. He also participated as Riyuro's aide in intercepting Shalltear and Aura when they intruded into "Feo Berkana." Witnessing the overwhelming strength of Shalltear and Aura, which even left the respected Riyuro despondent, shattered his spirit. Understanding Riyuro's tragic resolve, he carried out the command to cull the clan's numbers as ordered.

(Edit Author: K K)