Shoushimin Series
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Shoushimin Series

小市民シリーズ, Shoushimin Series
Genres: Mystery
Studios: Lapin Track
Type: TV
Release date: July 7, 2024
Kind: Anime
English name: Shoushimin Series
Romaji name: Shoushimin Series
Resources: Official Website
My Progress:


Let's help each other and aim to be perfect ordinary citizens.
Having had a bitter experience with reasoning activities once called "intellectual work," Mr. Kobato decided to aim to be a pure and modest ordinary citizen.
He secretly formed a "mutual benefit relationship" with Ms. Osanai, a classmate who shared the same aspiration, planning to make a high school debut as ordinary citizens and lead peaceful days.
However, inexplicably, one mysterious incident after another keeps occurring in their school life.
Will Mr. Kobato and Ms. Osanai be able to achieve the tranquil days of ordinary citizens they long for?

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 4:44 a.m.)

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