Kengo Dōjima
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Kengo Dōjima

堂島 健吾(どうじま けんご), Kengo Dōjima, 堂岛健吾
Gender: Male
Original Name: 堂島 健吾(どうじま けんご)


A male student at Funato High School. He was part of the newspaper club and served as the president in his second year, but retired after a certain incident in his third year, combining it with his exam studies. He has been classmates with Jōgorō since elementary school, but they are not particularly close, just old acquaintances. He has a square face with a crew cut, and by his second year, he had developed a large, square physique with considerable strength.
He is full of a sense of justice and chivalry, straightforward and honest with everyone, and acts without pretense. If someone is in trouble, he takes the initiative to act. He knew Jōgorō from their elementary school days and, although he thought Jōgorō was unpleasant, he acknowledged him. After attending different middle schools, he views Jōgorō, who now tries to live like a small-town citizen, negatively, thinking he has become worse in nature. He cannot overlook dishonest acts and disapproves of those who steal from girls. Generally, he is rough around the edges but also shows a thoughtful side. As Yuki describes, he sometimes asks Jōgorō for favors or unintentionally spreads mysteries. As mentioned earlier, he and Jōgorō are not best friends, but Jōgorō relies on him as the only person he can turn to, and he immediately comes to help when Jōgorō asks, getting involved in incidents together. He has a sister, Chisato, who is proud of her wide circle of "100 friends."

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 4:41 a.m.)

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