Mismis Klass
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Mismis Klass

ミスミス・クラス, Mismis Klass, 蜜思米丝·克拉斯
Gender: Female
Original Name: ミスミス・クラス


Iska is the captain of the 907th unit of Defense Mechanism III. Despite being a proper 22-year-old woman, she is so petite and youthful-looking that she is often mistaken for a child. Her figure is outstanding, but her small stature sometimes causes problems. As a soldier, she barely passed the captain's promotion exam and cannot be called excellent by any means. However, she is very sensitive to the emotions of her subordinates and was the first to notice when Iska's encounter with Alice disturbed her. Although usually timid, she has a strong core and once she makes up her mind, she can show a determination that even Jhin would be amazed by, sometimes shielding her subordinates and boldly confronting the apostle saint Nameless, even volunteering herself as a decoy.
Her father was also an imperial soldier but retired after being wounded, remaining a mere private. She inherited his will and climbed up to the rank of captain. During a mission around the Astral Vein Fountain, she was captured by the imperial spy Shanorotte and dropped into the very Astral Vein Fountain by the Masked Lord, which turned her into a witch. Iska and his team are now scrambling to keep this a secret. She also seems to be aware of Iska as a man, and when Sisbell made advances towards Iska, she tried to interfere along with Nene.
As a witch, she has many powers that she herself does not fully understand, and the Masked Lord, having seen them, speculates that she possesses a subspecies of the wind astral spirit that can blow a blue wind that prevents the generation of fire astral spirit techniques.

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