Noland von Lüneberg
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Noland von Lüneberg

ノーランド・フォン・リューネベルク, Noland von Lüneberg, 诺兰德·冯·吕内伯格
Gender: Male
Original Name: ノーランド・フォン・リューネベルク


The masked man who leads the "Einberg," the direct knights of the Emperor of Neo Britannia. Known as the White King. He is ruthless in nature, showing no mercy even to allies who make mistakes. He treats the decorative emperors like Karis and his successor Sakuya with disdain, effectively holding the real power in Neo Britannia. Even after the defeat of Einberg and the loss of Damocles, he shows no signs of disturbance and acts with some ulterior motive. It is said that he once adopted Ash.

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(Last edited time: June 30, 2024, 7:10 p.m.)

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