Yahiko Myoujin

Yahiko Myoujin

明神弥彦(みょうじん やひこ), 明神弥彦
Age: 10
Birthday: November 26
Gender: Male
Height: 128cm
Weight: 23kg
Blood Type: B
Featured Anime: Rurouni Kenshin

Character Introduction

Height: 128 cm, Weight: 23 kg. Born on November 26, 1868 (Meiji Year 1). Origin: Tokyo Prefecture. Blood type: B, Zodiac sign: Leo. First appeared at age 10. Hobbies: Training. Favorite foods: Beef, watermelon. Refers to himself as "ore."
A boy from a samurai family in Tokyo Prefecture. Became an orphan due to the chaos of the Meiji Restoration. His father, a low-ranking samurai with a stipend of 30 koku for two people, joined the Shogitai and died in battle, while his mother worked in a red-light district to raise him and died of illness. He was picked up by the yakuza and forced to work as a pickpocket, but after meeting Kenshin and others, he broke away from the yakuza. He learned the Kamiya Kasshin-ryu and, despite his young age, displayed extraordinary mental and physical abilities and swordsmanship, growing stronger with each battle alongside Kenshin and others.
Due to the yakuza incident, he was taken in by the Kamiya Dojo through Kenshin's arrangement. Initially, he frequently argued with Kaoru, but after witnessing her overpower two members of the Hishimanji gang with a single blow, he changed his perspective. After that incident, he officially declared himself a disciple and began training earnestly.
He has a high pride and straightforward personality, disliking being treated as a child. He speaks without hesitation to both allies and older individuals (or rather, he almost never uses polite language with anyone), which makes him come across as cheeky to those around him. He strongly wishes to become a full-fledged man quickly and is willing to make blood-sweating efforts to achieve it. He has the courage to stand up to opponents stronger than himself to protect the weak. In the story, he has even negotiated directly with Saito, and both Aoshi and Saito recognize his courage and guts. Although he is reluctant, he has a knack for pickpocketing, which sometimes helps save his allies from danger. He also shows a skillful side, such as hiding under the eaves of a building for long periods.
Later, he serves as an assistant instructor at the Kamiya Kasshin-ryu Dojo alongside Tsukayama Yutaro, growing to be known as "the one who mastered a thousand sword catches" and "one of the top five in Eastern Japan" (he claims to be second in Japan, with Kenshin being the first). He inherits the reverse-blade sword and Kenshin's belief of "no killing" from Kenshin, and the way of life "Aku Ichimonji" from Sanosuke. By Meiji Year 15, his appearance is designed with Kenshin's physique and Sanosuke's personality in mind. He later marries Tsubame Sanjo (mentioned later).
In this work, where many characters have high abilities from the beginning, he is rare in that he starts as just a child but grows through training and real battles, even defeating strong enemies.
In "Ashitaro Prequel (Another Story)," he appears with Kenshin to help Ashitaro and others, lending the reverse-blade sword to Kenshin. After resolving the incident, he hears from the police about the remnants of Shishio's faction and mentions that Ashitaro and Aran have been entrusted to the Kamiya Dojo.
In the "Hokkaido Arc," he remains in Tokyo, as both assistant instructors cannot leave the dojo. After confirming that Kenshin's skills have not dulled, he formally returns the reverse-blade sword to Kenshin, noting that while his physical strength has declined, his sword skills have not. Feeling a tinge of loneliness from this, he proposes living together with Tsubame. As a countermeasure against the Kenkaku Heiki, Saito also regards him as an exceptional talent among the younger generation, and Kenshin intends to summon him eventually, but the time is not yet right.
In the first anime adaptation, it is set that the Shuei-gumi covered his sick mother's medical expenses, and after his parents' deaths, he was forced to pickpocket to pay off debts. There are also many depictions hinting at romance, such as being aware of Tsubame as a girl from the start or falling for a circus girl named Marimo. He also shows many combat scenes, easily defeating street thugs and fighting alongside Kaoru (who accompanies him in the first anime) against private soldiers at the Kanryu residence.
In the original work, he drank alcohol at a party hosted by Sanosuke with Tsunan's money, but in the first anime, he is provoked by Sanosuke to drink, and despite Kaoru's attempts to stop him, he drinks it all at once. In the second anime, the alcohol is replaced with a bento.
In the OVA "Seisouhen," set several years later, he confronts Kenji, who left home in rebellion against Kenshin, to teach him what true strength is, using the reverse-blade sword. After the battle, he entrusts the reverse-blade sword to Kenji as a coming-of-age gift, just as Kenshin had entrusted it to him. Watching the battle, Hiko remarks, "That guy (Kenshin) seems to have changed even the principles of swordsmanship."
His name is derived from Yahiko Shrine, the most prominent shrine in Echigo (Yahiko Village, Niigata Prefecture). The motif reflects the author's feelings of alienation during his time in the kendo club in junior high school.
In the complete edition volume 20 rewrite: He is set as the leader of nearby vagrant children. His design is close to Mishima Eiji. His hairstyle is a rough cut, and his outfit includes a vest, a trophy from punishing a foreigner who bullied his vagrant friends, and half-hakama. He carries a family heirloom sword and a Kamiya Kasshin-ryu bamboo sword, possessing a dangerous duality that could make him either a killer or a true swordsman.
In the cinema version: He appears as Kanryu's servant. Sent to the Kamiya Dojo as a monitor (a reverse hostage in name), he defies Kanryu for Kaoru, who worries about him. After Kanryu is arrested once, he continues to stay at the Kamiya Dojo. He does not carry the bamboo sword he always had in the main story. His hairstyle is a mix of the original and rewritten versions. He is set as a childhood friend of Tsubame.
In the live-action film version: The basic setting of being a samurai boy and orphan is consistent with the original, but he is acquainted with Kaoru before Kenshin meets her and is in a semi-live-in state at the dojo, with no depiction of him pickpocketing. In the original, he joins Kenshin and Sanosuke in storming the Kanryu residence, but in the live-action film, he is stopped by Kenshin and stays behind, with almost no combat scenes. From the second film "Kyoto Inferno," the child actor is changed, and there are some combat scenes depicted.
In "The Final Chapter": He is abandoned for defying the yakuza because he hated pickpocketing and was taken in by Kaoru while collapsed, becoming a live-in at the Kamiya Dojo.
Kamiya Kasshin-ryu
Main Techniques
Secret Defense: Blade Stop (Ougi no Mamori: Hadome)
A technique to catch an opponent's sword strike with crossed hands. It allows for a blade catch while holding a sword, as it is received with the backs of both hands.
Failure could result in instant death, so the technique itself, the arm strength to control the enemy's weapon, and the courage to make a decisive move at the last moment are crucial.
The essence of this technique is to create a state of equilibrium with a single point of force that can control the opponent's weapon and lead to the subsequent Blade Crossing. It is not necessarily required to sandwich the weapon with hands if this state is achieved. In practice, it is established by pressing the handle against the segmented tip of Genbu's six-section staff "Genbu Snake Staff" (in this state, the staff cannot be segmented unless pulled once, but if pulled, Blade Crossing is applied at that moment, and if forced through, Yahiko himself shifts the point to apply Blade Crossing). At age 16, he could stop up to five strikes of Kenshin's Kuzu-ryu-sen.
Secret Attack: Blade Crossing (Ougi no Seme: Hawatari)
A counterattack technique of Kamiya Kasshin-ryu, where the weapon stopped by Blade Stop is controlled and the hilt is used to strike the vital points of the body (such as the throat, armpit, or jaw).
It must be accurately delivered to the vital points immediately after Blade Stop to be effective as a counterattack utilizing the opponent's attack momentum, and the original one-hit knockout power of the secret technique will not be demonstrated without it, so courage at the last moment is also essential.
Ultimate Secret: Blade Sever (Ougi no Kiwami: Hadachi)
A technique that controls the enemy's sword with one hand while simultaneously performing weapon destruction, the ultimate blade catch.
Final Curse (Matsudai Tatari)
A simple groin kick. Apparently a forbidden move of Kamiya Kasshin-ryu.
Feint Groin Kick (Katasukashi Kinteki Geri)
An original technique from the first anime. A technique created by Yahiko that uses the opponent's sword-swinging force to pull the opponent in with the sword and deliver a groin kick with the right knee.
First Move: One-Handed Strike (Shosa: Katate Men) / Two-Handed Strike (Ryote Men)
As the name suggests, a simple strike to the head. The only difference in name is whether it is performed with one hand or both hands.
Imitation Technique (Miyou Mimawaza)
A technique Yahiko learned by watching Kenshin's battles, imitating the Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu techniques.
Imitation: Dragon Hammer Flash (Miyou Mimawaza: Ryutsui Sen)
In the PS game "Juyushi Inbou Hen," it appears as Yahiko-ryu Ryutsui Sen.
A technique where Yahiko imitates Kenshin's signature Dragon Hammer Flash. Originally, it is a technique that requires superhuman leg strength to jump and then strike with the falling gravity added to one's arm strength, but he uses it by skillfully utilizing the blast from the Ten Swords' Beniya's flying explosive. Although Beniya was caught off guard, he was struck so hard with a bamboo sword that it broke, defeating him in one blow. Later, he used it against Otoha on his own, but was countered by Otoha's hidden weapon, resulting in a failure.
Dragon Flight Flash Imitation (Ryushou Sen Modoki)
A technique where Yahiko imitates the Dragon Flight Flash. Used against Kujiranami. The only opportunity Yahiko had to see the Dragon Flight Flash was during Kenshin's battle against Gaijin (at that time, Yahiko was facing Otoha). In the original Dragon Flight Flash, the back of the blade is supported with the right hand, while Yahiko's version supports it with the left hand.
In the PS game "Juyushi Inbou Hen," it appears as Yahiko-ryu Ryushou Sen. The game was released before the time it was used in the original work.

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(Last edited time: Sept. 4, 2024, 4:06 p.m.)

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