Taiki Himekawa
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Taiki Himekawa

姫川 大輝, Taiki Himekawa, 姬川大辉, ひめかわ たいき
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Original Name: 姫川 大輝
Resources: Official Website


Taiki Uehara, 19 years old, is known as the star actor of the theater troupe LaLaLai. He has played the lead role in the 2.5D stage play "Tokyo Blade" and starred in a prime-time drama, winning numerous awards. Taiki grew up in a foster care facility and was supported by Toshiro Kaneda, the head of LaLaLai, after leaving the facility.
His biological parents were both actors, Seijuro Uehara and Airi Himekawa. Taiki's parents died when he was 5 years old. Additionally, a DNA test conducted by Aquamarine revealed that he and Himekawa are half-siblings.

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