Miyako Saitou
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Miyako Saitou

斉藤 ミヤコ, Miyako Saitou, 齐藤京子, さいとう ミヤコ
Gender: Female
Original Name: 斉藤 ミヤコ


Appearing from the prologue "Childhood," she is the wife of Ichigo Saitou and the lady president of Strawberry Production. From Chapter 2 onwards, she takes over as the president of Strawberry Production in place of the missing Ichigo. After moving to Tokyo from the countryside during her university years, she worked as a hostess and lounge girl (commonly known as a "Minato-ku girl") and invested in minor cosmetic surgeries. She has experience as a model and race queen and has appeared in magazine gravures, but she was not very successful as a celebrity. It was then that Ichigo invited her to work behind the scenes, leading to her joining Strawberry Production. Her age is not disclosed in the story, but she appears to be younger than Ichigo, as Ai mentions in Episode 2, "Your wife looks young, doesn't she?"
While Ai is working, she feels stressed and dissatisfied with being treated like a babysitter for Aqua and Ruby, and she even tried to sell information to a weekly magazine claiming Ai had an illegitimate child. However, after believing Aqua and Ruby, who speak like adults and claim to be incarnations of a god, she starts to be manipulated by them. After Ai's death, with no relatives left for Aqua and Ruby, she takes them in, saying, "I think of you as my own children," and becomes their foster parent.
Initially depicted as a calculating person who married Ichigo to get close to a beautiful young celebrity and possibly remarry another celebrity, or being obsessed with hosts, from Chapter 2 onwards, she dramatically transforms into a dedicated and capable hard worker. As the current president of Strawberry Production and as a parent to the two children, she strives to fulfill her responsibilities. She also accompanies the new B Komachi in their entertainment activities as their manager. The philosophy of Strawberry Production, "We do not hire people who speak ill of other members in the same group," is inherited from her husband, Ichigo.
She originally mentioned that she was more suited to be a manager and not quite fit to oversee the entire agency. In Chapter 9 "Movie Edition," she reunites with Ichigo and insists on not giving up on his dream of "sending the idols he trained to Tokyo Dome," leading her to bring Ichigo back to Strawberry Production. She leaves the overall management of the agency to Ichigo and focuses on managing Aqua and Ruby.

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(Last edited time: June 28, 2024, 8:47 p.m.)

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