Kurumi Noshino
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Kurumi Noshino

西野 胡桃(にしの くるみ), Kurumi Noshino, 西野胡桃
Gender: Female
Age: 9
Original Name: 西野 胡桃(にしの くるみ)


Kiria's younger sister by 12 years, and the same age as Gawain. She seems to be a gamer who plays a lot of games. She is head over heels in love with Lancelot, constantly thinking about him and indulging in fantasies. Although somewhat of a fan girl, her feelings for Lancelot are genuinely serious.
Years later, she marries Lancelot and they have a daughter. Her profession appears to be that of a shoujo manga artist, and her tendency to fantasize seems to be alive and well.

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(Last edited time: June 17, 2024, 7:10 a.m.)

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