Yoritsugu Suwa

Yoritsugu Suwa

諏訪頼継(すわ よりつぐ), 諏访赖继
Gender: Male
Featured Anime: The Elusive Samurai

Character Introduction

Son of Tokitsugu and grandson of Yorishige. 7 years old in 1335. Considering the risk of a living god dying in battle, Yorishige and Tokitsugu decided that he would take over as the priest of Suwa Grand Shrine. Due to the heavy responsibility of bearing the burden of a god at such a young age, he closed his heart to everyone except his grandfather and father. He held a one-sided hostility toward Tokiyuki, who had stolen the attention of his family. He manipulated Tokiyuki with a high-handed attitude, flaunting his position as a god, and challenged him to a game of tag with the intent of banishing him from Suwa. During the game, he almost fell off a cliff but was saved by Tokiyuki. Realizing that Tokiyuki also bore the fate of the Hojo family, he finally expressed his true feelings.

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