Nei Ōkawamura
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Nei Ōkawamura

大川村 寧(おおかわむら ねい), Nei Ōkawamura, 大川村宁
Gender: Female
Age: 11
Height: 145cm
Original Name: 大川村 寧(おおかわむら ねい)


Age: 11 years old. Height: 145 centimeters. Birthday: May 5th. Blood type: AB.
She is the youngest member of the Seventh Division, a primary school girl. Her current goal is to improve her household skills.
A non-combatant in the Seventh Division who uses her abilities to find those who wander into the magical city and the ugly demons that appear. Despite her young age, she always cares for Yuuki, who joined the team before her, as her superior. She commutes to an elementary school in Kochi Prefecture through a gate inside the dormitory.
Her parents went missing in a magical city disaster and were taken in by Dr. Nei Ōkawamura, a researcher of the magical city. Because of this connection, she ate peaches at an unusually young age. She believes her parents are still alive and has vowed in her heart to definitely find them.
In the popularity polls, she ranked 5th in the first and 8th in the second.
Promise to Definitely Find (Promise)
The ability of Clairvoyance, which allows her to see distant places.
During activation, those who touch Nei's body can also synchronize their viewpoint and share her vision.
It is considered a rare ability among many.
Infinite Chains - Sparkling Star (Slave - Kiraboshi)
The form when Nei becomes the borrower of Yuuki, who is in a state of enslavement lent by Kyouka.
While power and speed are reduced compared to the normal form, the senses are sharpened, specializing in searching. Vision is enhanced enough to perform x-ray vision, and hearing improves to the extent that she can hear other people's heartbeat. Due to Nei's young age, the compensation is light, such as "patting Yuuki's head."

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(Last edited time: May 14, 2024, 8:38 p.m.)

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