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紫黒(しこく), Shikoku, 紫黑
Gender: Female
Height: 161cm
Original Name: 紫黒(しこく)


Height: 161 centimeters. Birthday: Unknown. Blood type: Unknown.
A girl-shaped Hachiraijin with long black hair that ends in snake heads. She is a strategist among the Hachiraijin. She refers to herself as "boku."
She is talkative with a dark personality, often teasing Rairen. Although her goal is to destroy humanity, she is also fascinated by humans and likes them in various ways. Therefore, she plans to spare a few humans she likes.
She disrupted the battle in the hidden village, releasing the one-horned ugly demon to attack Yuuki and Kyouka, but ended up taking an interest in Yuuki, who overwhelmed them.
A technique that covers the surroundings in darkness, making it undetectable.
Kuro Uzumaki
Creates a small black sphere that emits a gravitational pull to draw enemies in.
Yami Jyarou
Extends the snake hair to restrain enemies and incapacitate them with poison by having the snakes bite.
Causes hallucinations by making enemies inhale gas exhaled by the snake hair.
It is more effective in confined spaces, but the effect can be disrupted if Shikoku moves carelessly.

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(Last edited time: May 14, 2024, 8:39 p.m.)

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