Kyouka Uzen
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Kyouka Uzen

羽前 京香(うぜん きょうか), Kyouka Uzen, 羽前京香
Gender: Female
Original Name: 羽前 京香(うぜん きょうか)


Age: 21 years old. Height: 167 cm. Birthday: September 4th. Blood Type: O. Bust: 85 (E cup).
The heroine of the story and the leader of the Seventh Division, known as the Demon Leader, a resolute woman.
She rescued Yuuki, who had wandered into the magical city, and when surrounded by a horde of ugly demons, she decided to enslave Yuuki and successfully bestowed great power upon him using her own abilities, hiring him for the Seventh Division.
The sole survivor of the "Gassan Oizawa Incident" in her hometown of Yamagata Prefecture, a magical disaster. After recovering from severe injuries through rehabilitation, she trained under Meika Riu and joined the magical defense force to avenge her hometown. Initially assigned to the Seventh Division, she challenged and defeated the then-leader, who issued reckless orders for his own ambitions, and took over his position. Her goal is to find and defeat the ugly demon known as "Ipponkaku" that destroyed her hometown.
Each time she uses her power, she must reward Yuuki with sexual favors as compensation, though she harbors no disgust. She had no intention of interfering in Yuuki's private life, but her possessiveness grew after seeing him being approached by Tenka, and she gradually became more conscious of him.
Not only does she command the enhanced Yuuki, but she also fights using her own combat techniques and Japanese sword, perfected through training in spiritual mountains. She learned the basics of martial arts from Riu and is the only one in the magical defense force who can defeat ugly demons without the power of peaches, a strength no one else has reached despite similar training. Her ability to defeat ugly demons without relying on the power of peaches played a part in her becoming the leader.
In popularity polls, she ranked 2nd in the first and 4th in the second.
Infinite Chains (Slave)
A power that draws out and commands the strength of enslaved life forms.
Once enslaved, a life form remains a slave to Kyouka until death.
Initially, she enslaved ugly demons, but enslaving Yuuki resulted in a much stronger enhancement. Her ability was initially mocked as completely off the mark (even she thought so), but it turned out that the potential and growth of the enslaved, and the strong master-slave relationship, resulted in vastly increased output.
As compensation, she must reward the slave commensurate with their work upon releasing the power. The reward becomes what the slave subconsciously desires; for ugly demons, it was pork, but for Yuuki, it involves kisses and caresses. This compensation occurs automatically, independent of Kyouka's will. When lending out the power, the borrower pays the compensation, and Kyouka's power is drained during the loan.
If the enslaved subject is not present, her body moves on its own towards the slave without her knowledge. In the story, this allowed her to reach the kidnapped Yuuki.
Later, it was discovered that lending the power allowed Yuuki's muscles to learn the advantages of each form, strengthening his basic form.
Infinite Chains - Battle Cloud (Slave - Ikusagumo)
A form where Kyouka and Himari together activate Infinite Chains on Yuuki.
With two masters, the power and speed are further enhanced, and they can perform a special move called "Roar Strike," which emits a destructive beam from the mouth.
This form also involves both participating in the compensation, but it causes greater exhaustion and backlash for Yuuki, making it unsuitable for prolonged battles.
Infinite Chains - Heaven (Slave - Ten)
An evolved form of the normal state called "Heavenly Progress."
Overall abilities are enhanced. Upon activation, Kyouka recites a verse about her hometown's Mount Gassan to remove her brain's limiter and temporarily enhance her movements.
As a special move, Yuuki converts his body into energy, which resides in Kyouka's sword through the chains, allowing her to unleash a combined secret technique "Slave Blade Strike," where she launches Yuuki as a slashing attack.
Disordered Cherry Blossoms
A sword technique created to defeat her nemesis, Ipponkaku.
It involves a series of rapid slashes that leave the enemy no chance to counterattack or dodge.

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