Shion Yozakura
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Shion Yozakura

夜桜 四怨(よざくら しおん), Shion Yozakura, 夜樱四怨
Gender: Female
Original Name: 夜桜 四怨(よざくら しおん)


The fourth child (second daughter) of the Yozakura family. A silver-ranked spy. Born on April 4th, 18 years old. Height 172 cm. Blood type AB.
A woman with a languid atmosphere and a tomboyish personality, she has pinkish-purple short bob hair. Her combat style is reminiscent of a gamer's approach (characters that mainly appear in games resemble herself and Taiyo as the protagonist, and Kyoichiro as the enemy character), and she excels in hacking, showing proficiency with machines. She also uses numerous drones.
Her work style involves hacking the target system and converting it into a game. In the spy world, she is called the "Great Master of Computers," but she dislikes this nickname and holds a grudge against the person who coined it.
During her "blossoming" phase, she can process information in parallel within her brain, connecting her brain to her homemade smartphone, allowing for vastly more hacking than usual. According to her, it's like having a "little supercomputer."

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(Last edited time: April 5, 2024, 9:09 p.m.)

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