Kyotaro Ichikawa
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Kyotaro Ichikawa

市川 京太郎(いちかわ きょうたろう), Kyotaro Ichikawa, 市川京太郎
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Original Name: 市川 京太郎(いちかわ きょうたろう)


The protagonist of this work is a male middle school student in his second year, class three. He is called "Kyō-chan" by his mother and his sister Kana, and "Itchi" by Sekine. Initially, Yamada called him "Ichikawa," but later started calling him "Kyotaro." He is good at his studies and has a grandmother living in Akita. He likes Rem from "Re:Zero" and uses her as his LINE icon.
He is introverted and doesn't have friends, spending his breaks reading and often staying in the library during lunch. He also suffers from chuunibyou, imagining himself killing his classmates. Due to his chuunibyou, he sometimes speaks arrogantly in his monologues, but in reality, he has low self-esteem. However, he is not smart but has the initiative, and the story often depicts him taking action to help others in trouble.
Initially, he assumed that Yamada, like others, looked down on him because he was introverted. However, as the story progresses, he witnesses unexpected sides of her and gradually expresses his feelings for Yamada through his inner self, "Imaginary Kyotaro" (voiced by Jun Fukuyama), eventually becoming aware of his romantic feelings for her. On the other hand, his low self-esteem prevents him from realizing that Yamada has feelings for him, leading to misunderstandings about her actions and words.

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(Last edited time: May 14, 2024, 8:30 p.m.)

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