Shougo Aoshima
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Shougo Aoshima

青嶋 庄吾(あおじま しょうご), Shougo Aoshima, 青嶋庄吾
Original Name: 青嶋 庄吾(あおじま しょうご)


Former Blue Keeper/First rank of the Blue Squad. Died in the battle against executive Peltrola.
He was described by his fellow Blue Squad member Aizome as having "the worst mouth, attitude, and personality."
He was a delinquent youth who would attack cash transports, but after being deceived by a monster and injured, he was saved by the Red Keeper and entrusted to be the successor of the Blue Keeper. He lost his life in the battle against executive Peltrola and monster D.
Episodes featuring his name are Episode 47 "Shougo Aoshima, 18 years old" and Episode 48 "Shougo Aoshima, 18 years old Part 2".

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(Last edited time: April 9, 2024, 5:24 p.m.)

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