Sesera Sakurama
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Sesera Sakurama

ピンクキーパー/桜間 世々良(さくらま せせら), Sesera Sakurama, 粉色守望者
Gender: Female
Original Name: ピンクキーパー/桜間 世々良(さくらま せせら)


<div class='markdown-text'>The leader of the Pink Brigade, ranked as the top member.div><div class='markdown-text'>Hibiki Sakurama's older sister. She has a severe brother complex but hides it from those around her. She is paraplegic and can only stand when transformed.div><div class='markdown-text'>In her childhood, she was an athlete in track and field, holding records for updating competition records. However, she became paraplegic due to an attack on a religious facility by the monster Peltorla, and since then, she has been forced to live in a wheelchair.div>

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(Last edited time: April 9, 2024, 5:25 p.m.)

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