Kanon Hisui
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Kanon Hisui

翡翠 かのん(ひすい かのん), Kanon Hisui, 翡翠花音
Gender: Female
Original Name: 翡翠 かのん(ひすい かのん)


Green Troop Junior First Class. One of the few people who knows the true identity of Combatant D. Always wears a sailor uniform but does not attend school.
At the age of 8, her family was attacked by a monster, resulting in the loss of her family, and she was taken in by the family of her childhood friend, Sayaka Komuro. Candidate Sojiro Ishikawa would sometimes comfort her in the park.
She assaulted a suspicious person (a man from the Monster Protection Association) who appeared in the park and, at the youngest age of 10, passed the Pylon's nest and enlisted in the Great Squadron.
She possesses a replica called "Ukemochi no Kami" that fits over the lower part of the face like a mask. It can bite through anything.
Although she realized D's true identity during the battle against Magatia, she was brainwashed by those around her to forget and hide it.
Her name-titled episode is Episode 63, "Kanon Hisui, Age 8".

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