Kikuri Hiroi
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Kikuri Hiroi

廣井 きくり(ひろい きくり), Kikuri Hiroi, 广井菊里
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Original Name: 廣井 きくり(ひろい きくり)


Birthday: September 28 (excluding 2023), September 29 (2023) / Height: 166cm / Weight: 50kg
Responsible for bass and vocals. A junior from Seika's university days, she calls Seika "senpai." She prefers drinking mainly sake, often consuming it from paper cartons, which results in her being drunk in most scenes. Even during live performances, her drunkenness causes trouble, breaking equipment which she then has to compensate for, leading her to drink even more out of frustration. Thus, despite earning a decent income from live performances, she is always short of money and frequently borrows from others. Despite her free-spirited behavior, she has proven her skills as a bassist, perfectly matching the performance of Hitori's original songs even when meeting for the first time. Her eccentric behavior during live shows is also well-received by her regular fans.
She was found drunk in front of Kanazawa-Hakkei Station in Yokohama, where she met Hitori, who was struggling to sell live tickets. They spontaneously performed a session live, during which she recognized Hitori's talent and subsequently visited a band live after buying a ticket from Hitori. Since then, she has become a frequent visitor to STARRY and other venues to watch the band.
The reason she started drinking was to mask her nervousness during live performances, and she also harbors anxieties about the future, referring to her drinking as a "spiral of happiness." She was introverted and a loner in high school, and she sees qualities in Hitori that remind her of her past self, often offering advice as a senior band member. When sober, she becomes even more introverted and negative than Hitori.
Although often depicted with a tattoo on the back of her right hand, it is not shown on the cover of Volume 5 or in the anime, and it is likely a henna or jagua tattoo based on the design.
She calls her bass "Super Ultra Sake-Drinking Oni EX" and claims it is more important than her life, yet she often forgets it in bars.
She is the protagonist of the spin-off "Bocchi the Rock! Side Story: Kikuri Hiroi's Deep Drinking Diary." According to the spin-off, she started a band inspired by her admiration for Seika.

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(Last edited time: April 18, 2024, 2:28 p.m.)

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