Seika Ijichi
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Seika Ijichi

伊地知 星歌(いじち せいか), Seika Ijichi, 伊地知星歌
Gender: Female
Original Name: 伊地知 星歌(いじち せいか)


Birthday: December 24 / Height: 166cm / Weight: 50kg
Nijika's older sister and the manager of the live house "STARRY." Her birthday is on Christmas Eve, and she was 29 years old at her first appearance. She turned 30 in the first year of the story and 31 in the second year. She used to be a band member (guitarist) herself, and her skills were so good that she was scouted by a record label. Although she can be harsh to Nijika and the band, she actually cares about them more than anyone else, and is particularly overprotective of Nijika, which is known to those around her as having a severe sister complex. Despite her gruff attitude and personality, she likes cute things, owning stuffed animals and keeping maid outfits and girls' school uniforms for viewing. She is also tearful.
She didn't know Hitori's true identity as a guitar hero, but she quickly recognized Hitori's talent as a guitarist. She also indulges Hitori's habit of not working while hiding in a trash can because she finds it cute, secretly films videos of the band centered around Hitori, is the only one who cries and is happy about Hitori's song as a birthday present, and fantasizes about being fed cake by Hitori.
In "Kikuri Hiroi's Drunken Diary," there is a depiction of her trying to buy cigarettes during her college years, but there is no depiction of her smoking in the main story. It is unclear whether she has quit smoking or if it just hasn't been shown.

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(Last edited time: April 18, 2024, 2:27 p.m.)

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