Shouta Igarashi
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Shouta Igarashi

五十嵐 将太(いがらし しょうた), Shouta Igarashi, 五十岚将太
Gender: Male
Original Name: 五十嵐 将太(いがらし しょうた)


Heisuke's grandson. A second-year student at Kitamachi High School and the ace of the soccer team. He has a crush on Mino, a classmate and the school's Madonna, but since he's socially awkward, he sees her as someone out of his league and admires her from afar. Meanwhile, he secretly supports Shouzou, thinking him to be a suitable match for Mino. He plans to move to Tokyo to pursue a career in soccer, but through his interactions with the Saitou family, he also wants to give back to his hometown.

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(Last edited time: April 9, 2024, 5:43 p.m.)

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