Shouzou Saitou
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Shouzou Saitou

斎藤 正蔵(さいとう しょうぞう), Shouzou Saitou, 斋藤正藏
Gender: Male
Original Name: 斎藤 正蔵(さいとう しょうぞう)


Commonly known as "Grandpa". One day, he suddenly became younger. He lives in a farmhouse in a rural area around Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture, with his wife Ine, working as an apple farmer. After becoming younger, he explained the situation to his family and those around him and gained their understanding. He is set to have been born in the early Showa period and has been married for 58 years. In addition to being handsome, he has a toned body from working in apple farming. At home and in the neighborhood, he loves wearing a belly warmer. Since he was busy with the family business and couldn't attend school when he was young, he sometimes goes to the library to study on his own.

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(Last edited time: April 9, 2024, 5:44 p.m.)

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