Saaya Fujishiro
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Saaya Fujishiro

藤代紗綾(ふじしろ さあや), Saaya Fujishiro, 藤代纱绫
Gender: Female
Original Name: 藤代紗綾(ふじしろ さあや)


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Suginami Second High School, 1st Year Class D
15→16 years old, female
The official heroine of Part 1 and the entire series. A first-year officer of the Suginami Second High School Student Council. Excellent in both academics and athletics. Has leadership qualities and initially played a leading role in the early part of Part 1. During the Emperor Subjugation, she sacrifices herself along with Saneatsu to defeat the Emperor. Like Saneatsu, she is resurrected at the end of Part 2. In Part 3, she becomes a commander alongside Saneatsu in the AEF. Although she is supposed to be the heroine, she had few appearances in most of Part 2 and the beginning of Part 3, which led her to establish a comedic style in the bonus manga volumes and Twitter 8-panel comics, where she craves for her turn and the position of heroine.
She is a heroine but not a regular member of the 8-panel comics.

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