Hisoka Midou
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Hisoka Midou

御堂密(みどう ひそか), Hisoka Midou, 御堂密
Gender: Male
Height: 171cm
Weight: 55kg
Original Name: 御堂密(みどう ひそか)


Privilege Grant "Inheritance Right"
Right Change Grant "X-ray Vision"
Former Researcher at the Detention Facility
31-year-old male
In addition to the information obtained through his position as a researcher, he grasped the contents of all the privileges by using his X-ray vision to see inside envelopes. During his time as a researcher, he was caught tampering with envelopes by Saneatsu Narita. He was forced to cooperate in searching for privileges that could counteract the eventual "successful creation" as part of negotiations to keep Narita silent, so he also knew about Narita's privileges. In Part 1, he schemed to use Narita and even the Emperor to ascend to the top, but was ultimately killed by Inga at the very end. In Part 3, he inherits the function of Mother Light with the Inheritance Right (details unknown) and becomes the Third Emperor, holding a court in the world of consciousness. Hisoka Midou publicly claims his goal is "to become a new god with the 666 privileges," but in reality, it is "to seize the 666 privileges and kill God." Additionally, one of the scenarios prepared included Midou being killed once and then revived through a reversal of time, and much of his intentions remain a mystery. His intellect surpasses Narita's, but he is aware that he is no match for Narita. He agreed to Narita's negotiation during the tampering incident because he lacked confidence in outsmarting Narita. His line from Part 1, "This is the beginning of despair," is often mocked, and he is frequently the subject of jokes. He was present during the experiment for the forced acquisition of a vassal's privilege.

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(Last edited time: July 3, 2024, 5:39 p.m.)

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