Haruko Itsuka
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Haruko Itsuka

五河 遥子(いつか はるこ), Haruko Itsuka, 五河遥子
Original Name: 五河 遥子(いつか はるこ)


The mother of the Itsuka family, an employee of Asgard Electronics, which is the main body of , is a woman with short hair and slightly slanted eyes, standing with a dignified posture. Her maiden name was Haruko Homura (Homura Haruko), and she was best friends with Mana Takamiya during her middle school days 30 years ago in the main story, already dating Ryuuya Itsuka at that time.

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(Last edited time: May 4, 2024, 12:50 p.m.)

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